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Unlocking the Power of Superconductivity
At ZeLoCon, we are revolutionizing the semiconductor industry with our groundbreaking development of superconducting systems at room temperature.

Superconductivity at room temperature

Controlling cars with thoughts. Seeing what is hidden from the human eye. Even more powerful computers that still have much longer battery life. Electronic components that use the superconductivity effect could make all this possible. 


However, superconductivity is primarily known at very low temperatures of, for example, minus 250'C. This prevents commercial use. Therefore, superconducting elements that function at room temperature are being researched. The disadvantage of these systems is often the use of environmentally harmful substances.


The ZeloCon technology for the realization of superconductivity at room temperature is based only on carbon. No other chemicals are necessary. It is only through the carbon structure patented by ZeLoCon that superconductivity with carbon at room temperature is possible.

ZeLoCon GmbH - Zero Loss Conductor

Founded: 1993 - by Prof. P. Esquinazi, L. Turck, M. Disselkamp, P. Mirliauntas, A. Rönisch,
more than 130 years Electronics background plus 80 years Technology networking
Vision: Room-temperature superconductivity for a new generation of electronics
Mission: Researching and industrializing room-temperature superconductivity
Basis: Professor Esquinazi has been researching the superconducting effect of graphene at room temperature at the University of Leipzig for many years.

Diverse use cases and market potential

The systematic production of conductor tracks on semiconductor layers, including less scrap and rework. 

Medical devices drastically reduced in cost and dimensions, e.g. for brain examinations (EEG) through the production of highly sensitive magnetometers based on the Josephson effect.


Compared to previous magnetic field sensors for industrial and commercial applications, components for magnetic field detection are much simpler. 


Manufacture of controlled switches (transistors) and materials for antennas and other electronic systems for use at extremely high frequencies. Even higher data rates in telecommunications, but simplifications for imaging procedures in diagnostics and analytics are the beneficial effect of these components.

Status and next steps

Currently, the synthesis and characterization of the superconducting graphene layers is being further developed by ZeLoCon. To do this, we needmore investors.


After the completion of this work, the industrial implementation of the technology will take place in cooperation with manufacturers of semiconductormanufacturing equipment. With the equipment available, semiconductor companies will be able to incorporate superconducting graphene into theirproducts. As a result, extremely functionally improved semiconductor products will be placed on the market.

With the production of superconductors as well as with the granting of licenses for the production and use of these superconductors, ZeLoCon will support customers in the field of semiconductor technology, medical technology, mobility and many other industries to use superconductivity commercially.

Contact and Impressum

Contact: Arthur Rönisch
Humboldstrasse 8a,
D-58553 Halver
Phone: +49 179 669 2648
Zelocon GmbH, 09/2023, Halver, Germany, info(at), Amtsgericht Iserlohn HRB 10598. Es kann keine Gewähr für die Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit und Aktualität der Angaben auf der Homepage übernommen werden. Jegliche Haftung, insb. für eventuelle Schäden und Konsequenzen, die durch die Nutzung des angebotenen Wissensstoffes entstehen, ist ausgeschlossen
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